June 18, 2011
I have been very lucky in two respects over the last couple of days. Firstly, I had a book recommended to my called 7 languages in 7 weeks. The basic idea is that you’re taken through seven different programming languages in seven weeks. The author skips over things like how to install the environment, what […]
June 9, 2011
See demo → var WIDTH = 500, HEIGHT = 500, PARTICLES = [], STARTING_COUNT = 100, MAX_PARTICLES = 200, DAMPING = 0.05, CURRENT_FRAME = 0; var canvas = document.getElementsByTagName (‘canvas’)[0]; canvas.width = WIDTH; canvas.height = HEIGHT; var ctx = canvas.getContext (‘2d’); init (); function random (min, max) { return (Math.random() * (max – min) + […]
June 8, 2011
In today’s hack I wanted to play with a self organising particle system, so I set about writing a loop which worked out the distance between each particle and generated a force based on that. It was a lot to think about so I didn’t quite get it working in 15 minutes and decided to […]
June 6, 2011
It’s certainly not the most exciting thing you’ll ever see, but hopefully things will start to change over the coming weeks/months when I really start to get a feel for which effects are created by certain of code. For my first lunch-time hack, I thought I’d give myself an introduction to processing.js. It’s not very […]
Do you ever think it would be cool to tinker with a new technology/framework but never get to the end of a project because it gets stale and boring? Me too. So I’ve invented a new part to my daily routine called the lunch-time hack. The mission is simple: create something cool in 15 minutes. […]
June 5, 2011
Up until this time last week, my shiny new bike had mostly been sat there collecting dust, then having it washed off by the rain ready for the cycle to complete. That’s not a happy life for a bike. So last Monday, I took it for a ride to work (yes, I know it was […]
April 10, 2011
See demo → I thought I’d delve a little deeper into the various materials which Papervision3D provides and have updated my hello world to use a Phong shader to improve the way that the Earth looks. Using the Phong shader, I’ve put a bump map on which makes the mountains etc pop out a little […]
April 9, 2011
I’ve just started playing with Papervision3D and thought I’d start off with the normal ‘Hello World’ program, but with a twist. Use the mouse to make the Earth rotate. [swfobj src=”http://slightlymore.co.uk/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Main.swf”]
March 9, 2011
This morning I stupidly said on Twitter that I would do a dance when I reached 400 followers. I didn’t expect anyone to notice or care, but some people did and started badgering me. So, I made it. Here it is. Don’t laugh too much ;) The bit where I’m laying down was me attempting […]
March 7, 2011
I wasn’t expecting to get very much out of the HTML5 <canvas> and <audio> API demo apart from some cool looking animations. But I’ve surprised myself and have gotten interested in what the data can say as well as working out clever ways to make it look interesting. A bit of history So yesterday, I […]