Clinton Montague

Developer, learner of things, functional programming enthusiast, hacker, and all round inquisitor.

Generative art experiment 4: colourful roots

February 26, 2013

It’s been a while since I’ve posted about anything interesting that I’ve made in Processing. Time to put an end to that! Allow me to present “colourful roots”. It started off as a simple particle system with the usual fade effect, but when I let the particle shrink and stay fully opaque, I was delighted […]

Generative art experiment 3: Lord of the rings

January 30, 2012

void setup () { smooth(); size(500,900); render (); } void render () { fill (0, 0); background(255, 100, 0); for (int i = 0; i < random(50, 200); i++) { drawRings (); } } void drawRings () { float radius = random (20, width/1.4); float x = random (0, width); float y = random (0, […]

Generative art experiment 2: Pinkchalk spiral

January 12, 2012

float oldx = -999; float oldy = -999; float x; float y; int colour = 0; void setup () { smooth(); size (600, 600); drawit (); } void drawit () { background(155); oldx = -999; oldy = -999; colour = 0; int spirals = floor(random(500)); println(“drawing” + spirals); for (int i = 0; i < […]

Generative art experiment 1: Rainbow with a headache

Not exceptionally exciting or groundbreaking, but it was my first real experiment with processing. I got it to save out a png capture of each frame, then turned them into a video. I present to you Rainbow with a headache. [vimeo clip_id=34862441 width=616 height=231]   int frame = 0; void setup () { size (800, […]