Clinton Montague

Developer, learner of things, functional programming enthusiast, hacker, and all round inquisitor.

2 Javascript lectures you need to watch

June 13, 2009

Javascript is one of those languages, similar to PHP, where we feel that it’s OK to start programming in it without learning the language. That’s a great thing – it means that anyone can easily pick it up and quickly get something working through a simple Google search and copy-paste. But that’s not how real software works. And the web is software – or at least the more dynamic parts of it are.

I have included two videos from the Google Talks series in this post which I think will help you to really understand, not just use the language. I have learnt a lot from these talks, and I hope you will do to. So without any more waffling, here they are.

Best practices in Javascript Library Design

Libraries are a huge part of software design and engineering. You and me both use them all the time without even realising it. Do you have a core set of (even simple) functions which you include (or copy-paste) into your new projects? That‘s a library. Strictly, it’s only a library if you include it as a whole, but loosely, a copied and pasted function could be described as a library.

I present you with a talk from John Resig (the creator of jQuery) who is giving a talk on how to create a great Javascript library.

Javascript – the good parts

Javascript is often slated as not being a ‘real’ programming language. It has loose typing, it’s an interpreted language and (worst of all, apparently) allows beginners to write code. Doug Crockford from Yahoo argues that Javascript does have good parts – and not only good parts, but chuffin’ marvelous parts, which include very powerful concepts such as lambda – which is what entire languages such as Lisp and Scheme are based upon. It’s well worth a watch – it’s great for learning some of the more technical and powerful aspects of javascript such as the closure.

Any missing?

Do you have any Javascript lectures (either video or text-based) which you have learnt from and would like to show everyone else? Maybe you’ve recorded a video tutorial, or written a series on Javascript techniques. If you have anything else which you think can help the Javascript community (both beginners and advanced), please post them in the comments.