Clinton Montague

Developer, learner of things, functional programming enthusiast, hacker, and all round inquisitor.

400th follower dance

March 9, 2011

This morning I stupidly said on Twitter that I would do a dance when I reached 400 followers. I didn’t expect anyone to notice or care, but some people did and started badgering me. So, I made it. Here it is. Don’t laugh too much ;) The bit where I’m laying down was me attempting […]

Analysing the visual data from the HTML5 audio API

March 7, 2011

I wasn’t expecting to get very much out of the HTML5 <canvas> and <audio> API demo apart from some cool looking animations. But I’ve surprised myself and have gotten interested in what the data can say as well as working out clever ways to make it look interesting. A bit of history So yesterday, I […]

Playing with visualising <audio> with <canvas>

March 6, 2011

I woke up this morning and wanted to play with the HTML5 audio API and experiment with how data from it could be visualised. So I set to work and within a couple of hours had set up a very rudimentary graphic equaliser kinda-thingy. You’ll need Firefox 4 beta to see it, but if you […]